Our Big Annual Event December 13

Our big annual benefit event, Uncorked, will be happening December 13th, 7 PM – 10 PM at the 18th Amendment, 19 Union Ave in Rutherford. This year Uncorked will benefit the Rutherford Veterans Alliance and the Rutherford Volunteer First-Aid Ambulance Corps.

This is one of the Chambers signature fundraising events, featuring live music by NJ’s Premiere Yacht Rock Band SUMMER BREEZE, local food, presentations, 50/50, prizes, business networking, and community engagement. Tickets are $50 per person and can be purchased here.

Uncorked Sponsorship Opportunities…

1. Event/Table Sponsor: $500

    Includes two tickets to Uncorked. Company or organization logo on all posters, flyers, social media ads, and event emails. A table at the event, a speaking spot at the event, recognition before, during and after the event on social media, emails, and the announcements at the event. 

2. Uncorked Supporter: $250

     Includes 1 Ticket to Uncorked. Company logo or individual donors name on posters, flyers, and social media ads. Recognition at the event. 

To sponsor or donate to this event, please contact the chamber at rutherfordchamberofcommerce@gmail.com Attention (Uncorked Sponsor)


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