Our Board of Directors is nominated and voted on every two years. The Board meets the second Wednesday of every month; Chamber members are welcome to attend to observe. Any member wishing to join the Board is urged to attend.

Dan Meredith, President
Owner, Dan Meredith Allstate Agency

Cliff Witmyer, Vice-President
Owner, Cliffhanger Productions

Tom La Tourette, 2nd Vice-President
Owner, Web Samurai For Hire

Mike Rizzo, Treasurer
Vice-President, BCB Bank

Janine Fenton
Director of Catering, Hilton Meadowlands

Kenneth Hopson
Owner, Body Sculptors

Susan Tully
Owner, SKT Interior Design

Maggie McGill
Owner, Maggie McGill Photography

Cassi Vargas
Owner, Bungalow Beauty Bar

Jessi Davidson
Realtor, ERA Justin

Jennifer Ersalesi, Secretary
Owner and Editor-in-Chief, This Is Rutherford

Jennifer Zenquis
Allstate Insurance Agent

Maria T Schlemm
Owner & founder, Walking With Schlemm

Ann-Marie Barone
Executive Producer

Ashley Ferreira
Branch Relationship Manager, Blue Foundry Bank

Rev. Annie Allen
Pastor of the Rutherford Congregational Church UCC,

Quotes from the Board
More than just a Chamber of Commerce, we like to call ourselves 'the fastest growing group of friends in town'.

If you're alive anyway, why not make it fun?

Our Chamber of Commerce is more like a Chamber of Community. We're a diverse group reflective of our town, but all with the same goal of improving our community and strengthening its local business backbone.

Supporting small businesses is not just about commerce; it’s about community.
When it comes to deciding where to shop, bank, and celebrate big occasions, remember that there’s no place like home.

When uncertain, go kayaking.

"The most difficult thing is the decision to act; the rest is merely tenacity." —Amelia Earhart

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